The Major Arcana are the most widely-known cards of the tarot. These cards are not numbered, but instead have individual names, and when connected in order, can be interpreted to telling the whole of a person's emotional, mental, and physical growth through the journey of life.
Scroll down to read about and see all of our illustrations and thoughts for each card, or select from the list below to quick-jump to a particular card.
04. the EMPERor
This is...not a great card to get. The Tower is a structure that seems solid and well-built, but the foundation is weak and prone to collapse from a single event, such as a lightning strike. text text text text text text text text text text
In the webcomic by Tom Siddell, the eponymous Coyote, trickster god, rules over the woods across the chasm from the technology-based school of Gunnerkrigg Court. True to his nature, he seeks to sow chaos and doubt about the truth of the school in a variety of characters, with motives only known to himself. text text text text text text text text
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16. the tower
This is...not a great card to get. The Tower is a structure that seems solid and well-built, but the foundation is weak and prone to collapse from a single event, such as a lightning strike.
In the webcomic by Tom Siddell, the eponymous Coyote, tricker god, rules over the woods across the chasm from the technology-based school of Gunnerkrigg Court. True to his nature, he seeks to sow chaos and doubt about the truth of the school in a variety of characters, with motives only known to himself.